Healthier spaces. Healthier people.
Transportation Industry
“With the EMist system, we can disinfect a room in about two minutes and the entire campus within two hours.” -Andrea Vela, SAISD custodial supervisor
COVID-19 has changed aspects of every industry, especially the public transportation industry. Public transportation unfortunately makes it hard for passengers to avoid contracting the virus and spreading it to friends and family. Often times people rely on it as their sole form of transportation to and from work, so they have no choice but to use it despite the looming virus.

Transportation Statistics
New York City’s subway system has taken one of the biggest hits and is now disinfecting every part of the subway system including turnstiles, handrails, every 72 hours. With an estimated 4.3 million people on the subway system, it is clear why consistent disinfection is needed. In Chicago, Boston and Los Angeles, buses and trains are disinfected daily. The American Public Transport Association (APTA) released guidelines on cleaning and disinfection and COVID-19. The guidelines included barriers for ticket sellers, infection prevention training, PPE requirements, cleaning, social distancing and how to control ventilation to slow the spread of the virus.Rideshare services are booming with 36 million users and 2.6 million drivers. This service is one place where germs can be easily transmitted, and these companies are recommending passengers make sure that traveling is completely necessary before booking a ride. Companies like Lyft and Uber are also providing hand sanitizer and masks to their drivers to help keep them safe.
Preventing the spread of germs
Electrostatics is science and a proven process that has been used in the agricultural and automotive industries for decades.
Most surface areas are neutral (uncharged) or negative. The patented EM360 applies disinfectant to a target surface area using an electrostatic force of attraction called Coulomb’s Law. Using Coulomb’s law, the EM360 technology places a positive charge on the disinfectant as it leaves the spray nozzle. Because most surface areas are neutral or negative, the EM360’s positively charged system optimizes surface adhesion and attraction (electromagnetic theory). The dispersed droplets spread out more evenly and seek out negative (-) or neutrally charged surfaces (neutral surfaces have the same number of protons as electrons – a neutral object can be polarized by a charged object and create attraction). The disinfectant is more targeted, provides more consistent coverage with less waste, and like two magnets, attracted to the oppositely charged surface with remarkable force.

TruElectrostatic for TruDisinfection™.
Our EMist® system applies disinfectant solutions with its patented technology to surfaces using electrostatic induction charging. The liquid droplets are positively charged by the spray system which is then driven to the surface target area in a consistent manner allowing for comprehensive uniform coverage. Simply put, our technology applies more evenly, sticks to surfaces like a magnet, and reduces waste drastically.