Healthier workplace. Healthier people.

Government Industry
Covid-19 has impacted every industry, even the government. During this time of crisis, the White House, the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol all suspended tours and dramatically reduced access to the buildings. The SEC was the first federal agency to ask their employees to telecommunicate. Members of Congress followed suit and started closing their offices in Washington D.C. as well. Additionally, the members of Congress chose to self-quarantine.
Keeping Employees Safe
Government agencies are now taking extra precautions as they start letting employees head back into the office. The Congressional Chief of Staff sent out a memo to employees informing them of recommendations to limit physical contact with anyone by staying six feet apart, not touching people in photo ops and to take proper measures if you aren’t feeling well. The Department of Defense and the U.S. State Department also restricted travel in hopes of slowing the spread.
One precaution that is being considered is looking into whether they can use security footage to track contact instances if a staff member tests positive for the virus. Other measures like moving away from reusable plastic trays at all security checkpoints and using plastic bags were considered.

Helping keep government facilities safe and clean.
Global Cleaning Technologies works with a variety of government organizations to provide unsurpassed building sanitation services in CA and Surrounding Areas.
Our partners include:
Please note that depending on the traffic of your workplace, the electrostatic disinfectant will last anywhere from seven to 30 days.
Contact us today to arrange for government building sanitation services.
Government Statistics
Preventing the spread of germs
The new contracts the GSA drafted require the lessor of the building to wipe down all high-touch surfaces at least once a day, starting with soap and water and then go back over with a disinfectant off a list of EPA-approved products.
Additionally, Tenants are required to provide their employees with disinfectant wipes to clean their phones, computers, keyboards, desk lights and other agency-owned property. Government agencies are also starting to introduce electrostatics to their disinfectant programs.
EMist® electrostatic disinfectant sprayers have also found their way into some of the new governmental cleaning protocols.
With the current risk for the spread of infection, it’s easy to see why so many precautions are being made in government buildings. Taking precautions wherever possible will help slow the spread of COVID-19 so we can get back to life as we knew it.